Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Should you send samples?

If you are the kind of owner or salesperson that makes outbound calls, you may often run into the following statement from a prospect. "Send me some samples and if I like what I see, maybe I'll give you a try." Sound familiar?

Listen to me.... This is a PUT OFF! How many times have you landed a new account based solely on the samples that you sent to someone you have never met before? How does sending samples help you understand his/her business, and help you solve his/her problems? The answer is probably very seldom if ever. And, without being there to tell the story of the project that resulted in the samples that you send, how will you know how those samples are perceived?

If you are proactive enough to be calling prospects to try to land some new business, first of all - good for you! and secondly, I would advise that you come up with a powerfil opening statement that will steer the conversation away from your equipment and your prices, and TOWARD how you can help them. Here's a great one that I got from Bill Farquaharson of Aspirefor.com...

"My job is to help you either reduce the cost of your documents or increase their value" Simple, compelling, and provacative. Now you just have to be able to deliver on that promise.

Stay tuned for more on sales and how you can change from a person who calls asking if you can bid on the next print job (and having them request samples that ultimately will get thrown out) to becoming a trusted advisor to your clients.

1 comment:

  1. I can use all the advice I can get, Kelly. Thanks for the blog. I'll keep reading if you keep posting.

    Ken Little
