Friday, September 18, 2009

Inspired by...

So between seeing Julie and Julia and finally getting to meet one of my mentors, Bill Farquharson of, (who asked me, "why are you not blogging?" ) I guess it was inevitable. My intention here is to inspire my readers, who are hopefully clients, prospects, and others who want to become more successful in the world of digital print. I'm not going to commit to posting with any kind of regularity, but what I WILL do is write when I am moved by someone or something that I think will help you or your company be more successful. I will share success stories, items that I come across in my daily travels talking to print providers about their challenges and wins, and whatever else hits me. Thanks for reading. Here's to Success.In.Print!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you out there! Listen to me: Drop what you are doing and read Kelly's Blog. She is the real deal (trust me. I'm in sales) and a helluva good sales person. If you are looking to be successful in printing, read Kelly's Blog.

    Don't make me come out there!

    Bill Farquharson
